

Blog of my work, activities, adventures and some exciting news regarding this and the products that I provide.

Is this the time to be thinking about photography?

Now it would be easy to answer this question by saying yes and of course it would be biased. Being a photographer I clearly have a vested interest in photography, but why should you? Let me address some points that you may not have considered…

1 - This is a time of uncertainty and having a photographic record is probably more important than ever.

2 - If you are working from home, then decorating your home is probably high on your agenda. Surrounding yourself with images of your loved ones helps to remind you of what is truly important when things become overwhelming.

3 - Images of your children around your home help them feel part of your family. This is especially important for children with various challenges in life and for children who you have welcomed into your family.

4 - Capturing images of your family now is just as important as it was before, it’s just a different scenario. Time doesn’t stop. Your family continues to grow and get older and those milestones pass by. The only difference is, we approach it with the safety of your family first.

5 - Finally a photoshoot can be fun and help to make the weeks that pass by more enjoyable. You have something to look forward to.

Rai McLaren